Did you ever find that article?  If so could you pass on the URL?
I just used rsync -avr to transfer stuff from two old partitions over to a 
new drive on the same machine.  Worked great.

On a side note..  I now completely dislike Western Digital hard drives.  
This is more of a personal choice and not a technical one as I know 
every drive fails eventually and everyone has good and bad experiences 
from every manufactor.  My current luck with WD has been very bad.  I've 
sent at least 5 drives back to them in the last 3 years, all home use.  Now 
that the 
standard warranty is 1 year, it is not worth it.  My recent WD 
30GB failure was the final straw.  Even though I bought it in a retail box at 
BestBuy and it claims one year warranty, when I entered the serial number 
at the WD web site it claimed OEM and no warranty.  The first time it 
failed I was able to clear an error via VooDoo magic with the supplied 
WD tools on a boot floppy.  It worked for a almost a month or so but 
yesterday it started clacking 
again, it was bad enough that the sytem would not boot with it plugged in.  
I was able to phyically disconnect it and reconnect it to get it going again 
long enough to pull all the data off but in my mind the reliability is too 
questionable to be used from what I need (mainly mounted as /home on my 24/7 
server).  I have done cable swaps and controller swaps since the first time it 
failed so I believe 
that is not the issue.  Maybe I'll keep it in the machine and use it as a 
backup, what are the chances of it failing AND the new Maxtor failing? 

On Sun, 29 Dec 2002, Ben Beeson wrote:

> Aloha,
>       Recently I saw an article where the author used an extra hard drive and 
> rsync (I think) to automatically back up his system.  Now I can't find it, 
> and I may be interested in doing something like this myself on my home boxes. 
> Does anyone recall seeing this article???
> Thanks,
> Ben   
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