IBM's outright SUCK,my opinion based on experience. I've replaced
practically ALL my DTLA's due to failure I bought them from different
locations so I know I didn't get all of one batch). The GXP's are so-so,
had a few fail. However, RMA is fast and easy to do.
The best experience I have are with my SCSI's. Although my IBM SCSI
failed, my Quantum Atlas's kick butt. I think Maxtor bought them out.
Same drive but different label. Get SCSI if you want performance and
reliability. Cost more though.
ATA wise Western Digital is good for OC never had a write buffer error
on those, as well as my Quantum Fireballs. 
I also heard that batches of Hard drive are better depending on where it
was manufactured.
My 2 cents.

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