On 19 Feb 2003 at 14:11, Casey Roberts wrote:

> One of the downers of having a cable connection versus
> a DSL connection is that cable modem users actually
> share bandwith with other users in that area.  

I understand the theory of CM operation and am aware of the shared 
concept of a local node but at what point in the DSL path does your 
bandwidth mix with the others?  Is it at the CO or further up?  At 
some point a local area or group of individuals would have to be 
sharing a common pipe.  Is this point far enough away that some of 
the traffic has already left for other destinations?     

I always hear this as a downside with CM but after looking at this 
big picture, isn't DSL sharing bandwidth also, just a little further 
up the stream? 

I have Comcast on the mainland now and they are very different then 
the RR I had in Hawaii a few years ago.  RR had local content and 
mirrors that were hosted locally and were always fast, even during 
peak times when off island access was slower.  I never really noticed 
the local nodes getting bogged down, it was always the pipe to the 
outside, beyond the shared bandwidth zone.  Maybe I was on a 
relatively unloaded local node.  

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