I was a contractor at Bell Atlantic building out thier DSL a few years
back.  The choke point was at the CO (central office).  Basically all of
the DSL lines from your area terminate there and that system is connected
to the main office and then to the internet.  At Bell Atlantic the
connection from the CO to the main office was a T-1 even though the system
recommended an OC-3 for the amount of lines they had.  What you got was
dedicated bandwidth to the CO, from there it is shared bandwidth.


> I understand the theory of CM operation and am aware of the shared
> concept of a local node but at what point in the DSL path does your
> bandwidth mix with the others?  Is it at the CO or further up?  At
> some point a local area or group of individuals would have to be
> sharing a common pipe.  Is this point far enough away that some of  the
> traffic has already left for other destinations?
> I always hear this as a downside with CM but after looking at this  big
> picture, isn't DSL sharing bandwidth also, just a little further  up
> the stream?
> I have Comcast on the mainland now and they are very different then
> the RR I had in Hawaii a few years ago.  RR had local content and
> mirrors that were hosted locally and were always fast, even during
> peak times when off island access was slower.  I never really noticed
> the local nodes getting bogged down, it was always the pipe to the
> outside, beyond the shared bandwidth zone.  Maybe I was on a
> relatively unloaded local node.
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