On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 15:02:51 -1000 (HST)
"Ho'ala Greevy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dusty,
> I think you will find that your choice of accounting software will
> invariably bring you to the conclusion that you will need a
> heterogeneous network.  In other words, there ain't much accounting
> software out there that runs on anything but Windows.  Yes, there is
> GNUCash but.... I don't think it's ready for primetime yet.  There was
> a brief mention of it in the Sept 2002 issue of LJ- the reviewer found
> it barely suitable for his home finances  -->
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6317

Have a look at SQL-Ledger.

The following extracted from http://www.sql-ledger.com/

"SQL-Ledger is a double entry accounting system. Accounting data is
stored in a SQL Server, for the display any text or GUI browser can be
used. The entire system is linked through a chart of accounts. Each item
in inventory is linked to revenue, expense, inventory accounts and tax
accounts. When you purchase and sell goods and services the accounts are
automatically updated.

With the assembly feature you can build manufactured goods from parts,
services and assemblies. When you sell assemblies all the accounts
linked to the individual parts, services and assemblies are updated and
stock levels adjusted accordingly.

Invoices, Packing List, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Sales and
Purchase Order, Statements, Receipts and Checks are generated from
templates and may be changed to suit your needs. Templates are provided
in html and tex format. The tex templates are processed with latex to
produce postscript and PDF documents and can be sent to a printer,
displayed in a PDF viewer or sent out by email ...

SQL-Ledger can be used on any UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows computer. The
application is written in Perl, developed on FreeBSD and Linux with
Galeon, Konqueror, Netscape, Lynx, Links, W3M, Voyager, Explorer to
render the display, Apache to communicate between the server and the
browser, and PostgreSQL or Oracle to store accounting data. "


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