On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 18:59, Matt Darnell wrote:
> > I personally do installs over my network either with NFS or HTTP,
> > booting from floppy or disc1.  No changing discs during that install
> > either, and if your network is fast, it is faster than CD-ROM.
> Warren,
> Can you keep the files as an ISO or do you extract them to CD and copy all 3
> CD's to a network location.  I am always reloading boxes, is there
> instructions on how I can have the source on a local PC on my LAN, that
> would be fantastic!
> Matt

Reloading boxes is indeed less time consuming when you use network
installation.  Start reading Red Hat's documentation from this page, it
goes over NFS, FTP and HTTP installation.  You don't need to unpack the
files for FTP or HTTP installation if you use loopback ISO mounts like
it describes.


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