I recently purchased RH 9.0 Pro, and it came with the distro on DVD.  As far as 
I can tell that is probably the only way, other than downloading, that you can 
get it.  

> From: Warren Togami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/06/22 Sun PM 10:15:06 CDT
> Subject: Re: [luau] Red Hat Distro on DVD?
> On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 16:51, Matthew John Darnell wrote:
> > Aloha,
> > 
> > Does anyone know where to find the Red Hat distro on DVD?
> > 
> > It would be nice to be able to start the install and walk away, not have to
> > worry about changing disks.
> > 
> > Maybe that could be a business for someone.
> > 
> > YAWAH,
> > Matt
> Red Hat sometimes has the DVD ISO available for download on mirrors, and
> IIRC they sold the DVD before, but I haven't seen it for the RH9
> distribution.
> I personally do installs over my network either with NFS or HTTP,
> booting from floppy or disc1.  No changing discs during that install
> either, and if your network is fast, it is faster than CD-ROM.
> Warren Togami
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