Well, one thing nice would be to add LFS to your distro poll.           
 +1 vote.

        Just glanced at the site quickly, I may write a little more             
in-depth tomorrow.

On 26 Aug 2003 23:39:12 -1000
"R. Scott Belford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 22:44, Warren Togami wrote:

> We are trying very hard to make HOSEF a proud beacon of our community. 
> Our work is collaborative, and you are very welcome to make suggestions,
> comments, or good 'ol fashioned improvements.

#   ________  ___ ________   #                               #
#     )_   ( '-,) )   _(     #  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     #  
#       )_  \_//_/  _(       #                               # 
#         )___  ___(         #  Lo Tek Sym Designs           #
#             ))             #                               #
#            ((              #  Scott Scheurman              #
#             ``-            #                               #

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