If you're as paranoid as I am about not being able to timely back up any important files, you can use the following template as a starting point to write your own incremental-backup script:

BACKUP_DATE=`date +%y%m%d`
find /home/xxxxx -mtime -7 -type f -print > backup.weekly
tar -cvz -T backup.weekly -f backup.weekly.$BACKUP_DATE.tgz

Comment: you can put an ampersand at the end of each line (but separated by a space) so the process will be done in the background. But I like to see what's going on when I do the backups.

The above script will backup all the files in your own home directory (replacing "xxxxx" with your own home directory) that have been modified in the past 7 days, compress them, and save the compressed tarball into a file called backup.weekly.031001.tgz . (031001 being today's date.)

For daily backups, of course, simply change "-mtime -7" to "-mtime -1" (and "weekly" to "daily"). You can run this daily backup script as frequently as you feel paranoid. Old daily backup files will be continuouly updated, until your computer clock moves to a new date. Then your daily backup file (of the previous day) becomes final.

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