On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 03:06:54PM -1000, Ted Kanemori wrote:
> I'm sorry if I was unclear.
> The client desktop (by default) has only 4 icons.
> "Home for the user", "Trash", "Floppy Access", and "Start Here"
> Some kids have been deleting some of these icons(including "Floppy Access").
> The "reset-default-desktop" command will restore the home, trash, start here
> and reset the background to the "default" background.  
> It doesn't restore the Floppy Access icon to the user desktop( at least, on
> the system that I'm using).  Floppy Access is what the kids use to back up
> their files so it's important.
> Right now, to reset the desktop, I need to delete the user and add him back
> again. It's the fastest way, except that the user home folder is emptied
> out, unless we copy the data from the old folder, and back to the new
> folder.

When you purge the user, you wipe out the home directory and copy
over /etc/skel.

Read /opt/ltsp/templates/k12linux/reset-default-desktop again.
In contrast to copying over all of /etc/skel, what the script
does is remove some directories under the user's home directory
and copy over only a few directories from /etc/skel. If you
take a close look at what directories are reverted, notice that
.gnome-desktop is copied and not Desktop.

If you can verify this in the labs, a revised script can be
updated in the distribution so others can avoid the confusion.


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