On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 10:16:01AM -1000, Nakashima wrote:
> Where are the login and logout scripts located?

I suspect you want to look under /etc/gdm. I see PostLogin,
PostSession, PreSession, and Sessions directories, but have not
really experimented with it much. I am one of those CLI elitists,
remember? :)

> One of those scripts would be a good place to reset the desktop
> in these shared account situations.

I detest shared accounts situations.

Having a pre or post session script run would probably work in
a pinch, if you are comfortable having your desktop change from
under you if someone else logs in or out with the same login.

A kiosk mode where there is an automatic login, where the user
state is tied into the thin client you are logging in from would
be a better solution. This has been brought up before, but no one
around here has really sat down to make it work.


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