What makes you think its not Intel-dominated now? Show of hands, please, how many in the audience here
run linux on anything other than an x86 processor?

I have a sparc running BSD and solaris (and more off topic, a parisc running hpux), does this count? No, they're not in wide use.. the x86 boxen plus vmware is so much more useful :)

Oh phleze.... X must die.

Hear!  Hear!

Seriously, if linux had managed to carry gnome onto raw hardware, rather than surfing the packets through an "X server", then they might have had something. Better, if *nix had aligned around something like NeWS, then Windows would seem completely creaky in the GUI department.

Plan 9 got it right. Provide a generalized system for resource access (including devices), allow it to be accessed over the network, and provide a device for performing graphics operations. Then its just a matter of writing a simple graphics interface and it can magically be used remotely (and even recursively) where ever you want it. All at miniscule sizes (by comparison). Here's to good design.

Any computer architecture that needs "anti-virus" software has failed.

I'm sorry. I have to take issue with this. The need for anti-virus software doesnt prove anything other than popularity. There is no existing security technology that can prevent virii. Abstinance is the only solution.

And all of this in the service of writing documents, (typically in some proprietary binary format (Word)), reading email, and surfing the web.

Jim, please don't stifle Bill's ability to innovate.  ;-)


Tim Newsham

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