
$25/hr is pretty sad for a knowledgable Cisco field eng.  Especially for
only two days work.  How can anyone afford to live in Hawaii who consults
for $25/hr.  Most consultants work less than 2000 hours per year and that
is why they charge more, and their knowledge.

If you make $25/hr and work a full 2000 hours each year you make about
$50,000.  With $50,000 per year you can only afford about a $150,000

The medain house price on Oahu is $577,000!

So I don't recommend accepting the "Price of Paradise" crap.


> Andrew Maddox wrote:
>> Twenty-five bucks an hour? For an honestly skilled network
>> installation gig that needs more than just "stick the box in the rack"
>> but includes configuration, documentation, client training and
>> probably more? Somebody *PLEASE* tell me that's not the going rate for
>> that level of work in Hawaii!!
> Well then dude, you better stay in DC, 'cause I'm thinking the culture
> shock is gonna kill you.  You haven't heard the phrase "the price of
> paradise" yet?
> -Charles
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