Dustin Cross wrote:

$25/hr is pretty sad for a knowledgable Cisco field eng.  Especially for
only two days work.  How can anyone afford to live in Hawaii who consults
for $25/hr.  Most consultants work less than 2000 hours per year and that
is why they charge more, and their knowledge.

If you make $25/hr and work a full 2000 hours each year you make about
$50,000.  With $50,000 per year you can only afford about a $150,000

The medain house price on Oahu is $577,000!

So I don't recommend accepting the "Price of Paradise" crap.
Apologies, my sarcasm (re: "Price of Paradise") doesn't come through well.

The thing is, while it's an unreasonable income, I do see a lot of jobs here in Hawaii that come with really sucky pay, just like this one. And somebody'll take it, and the bar'll drop just a little bit more. If you're talking houses, well, according to "salary.com" (whatever their info is worth), the average "network engineer II" makes about $75k. That still falls pretty short of buying the "average home".

"The Price of Paradise" isn't just in terms of income, it's also how damn expensive everything is. Of course, we could all be living in LA, where probably houses are more expensive, and then it'd be "The Price of Hell," depending on your outlook.


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