So, not so hypothetically speaking, if you were going to customize a Linux kernel-based OS distro to run on, oh, let's say a 512MB or 1GB USB device of some sort, and wanted to add onto that the libraries and drivers you'd need to run a user-friendly desktop and a basic suite of office applications, how would you go about it?

Heh. I know. This is what people charge multiple 100s of dollars per hour to advise customers on. But I have an idea, inspired by a business contact, that would involve work like this. Basic OS + as-close-as-possible-to-M$-compatible office apps + whatever specific customization each customer might need, small enough to boot and run off said generic USB thingie...

Think there's a market for it (with this, a client could tell field sales reps etc. to use any ol' laptop, just take this here USB device to do work stuff on)? Think it's feasible? Let me know!

Some gents I know have a business proposition that this is a very rough outline of, and I'm working out what questions to ask them to figure out how serious they are, how likely it is to work, how well they've really checked out the market (I'd be the integration & development guy, they'd do the marketing, get the production done, etc.), and other niceties.

First time I'd have a contract like that, my previous consulting has all been pretty standard "fix our network and maintain it for us, bill us monthly, we'll pay you $X/hour"...

And yes, I'm asking my local SAGE group, we're chatting it over, but there's a lot of knowledge on LUAU I'd like to tap into if I can...


Andrew Maddox, madsox squiggle radix point net
I will not do anything bad ever again

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