On Sep 22, 2005, at 9:52 PM, Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

Jim Thompson wrote:

DTV (like HDTV without the H) has to be supported by any new TeeVee > 13" and all other receivers (such as VCRs, DV
Ds, etc.) by 2007.

HDTV (by which I mean at least 720p) is a different animal, of course. The first two solutions below will decode > 480p, but getting a broadcaster to *send* 720p, 1080i or 1080p is a different kettle of fish. (But hey, I'm over here on the rainy/ windward side, and DTV is hard to come by anyway.)

DTV on linux can be had for $170 per card (with up to 4 cards in a system, for those of you who want to build a MythTV box.) http:// www.pchdtv.com/hd_3000.html

If you're way itno "just do it in software" (and damn the Broadcast Flag, for when they eventually get it passed), then you could spend about $650 on a USSR + TVRX from ETTUS Research: http://www.ettus.com/ These run GNU Radio

I may end up with one for some "experimentation". When I do, I'll see about bringing it to some meeting or other.

Of course, you'll learn more watching the *other* screen.  :-)

Since I sorta mentioned Software Defined Radio (GNU Radio implements a SDR) I should also mention a plethora of SDR-based information here: http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/sdr.html

And of course, what every geek HAM wants for Christmas: http:// www.flex-radio.com/ (Also has a full GPLed SDR stack.)

Good info, but I am afraid you might have strayed a little in the opposite direction, Jim(my the Geek). :-) Tim & I were not talking about (H)DTV, but how to find a cheap way to stream video signals received from Oceanic Cable, at reduced resolution if necessary, so we can watch our favorite programs when out of town.

As I mentioned, currently there are two commercial solutions: slingbox and orb. The former is a standalone unit but requires a static IP; whereas, the latter requires a PC but does not appear to require a static IP. Both require a proprietary program to be installed at the client as well the server sites. I believe this program involves compression, making it possible to transmit TV signals via home-based broadbands. Wayne

C) Build a MythTV box. Record what you want, when you want, compress at will.

(Use the (H)DTV card to record OTA broadcasts...)

Or... watch less TeeVee.   Might be good for you.

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