Mid of the night and finally got a chance to browse the web. Suddenly, a news alert: Red Hat shares up 25% (thus pushing its market cap to ~$3.5B, I believe).

I am sure everyone remembers this: Not too long ago, Red Hat was facing the reality of the Internet/Linux bubble and decided to abandon their consumer/desktop versions of Linux as part of their corporate-wide full-retrench strategy to preserve capital and thus to hopefully survive. It was our lowly local boy Warren who convinced Red Hat to recycle their unwanted surplusage into a community project called Fedora.

Now both Novell and Sun are desperately trying to build their own versions of the Fedora Success (capital "S") model. Personally, I believe Warren can claim credits for at least 3 of the 3.5B of Red Hat's total market capitalization, but who's count? :-) Wayne

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