audio here:

Quoth Balmer (around 29:25 in the mp3):

"The day I come in front of the Gartner audience and say we have a better Unix than Linux, that'll be a good day, we're not quite there yet."

WTF, over?

Did Balmer just say in front of a bunch of Gartner goons that they're going Unix in order to defeat linux?

And if its *really* "Unix", which one?


Does MSFT buy Apple? (Naw, there would be all kinds of anti- competitive claims. Dept of Commerce would never let that deal go through.)


Softway Systems? No, they already bought them - and incorporated Interix into Windows.


Perhaps this is why MS has been feeling around for ways to monopolize Unix (SCO lawsuits) or at least throw their competitors off-balance, particularly the Linux juggernaut. Maybe MS will just finish buying out SCO but I don't think SCO's unix is acceptable as a market-dominator (hasn't been so far for SCO.)

Maybe this is why we're hearing less about the SCO lawsuits, or maybe this is BECAUSE the SCO lawsuits have fizzled and so this is Plan B. Or maybe the lawsuits were an attempt to explore wiping out competition for an MS/Unix. Or maybe they'd just pick up SCO's IP and fork a different Unix. Or maybe mentioning SCO is a total red herring on my part.

Or maybe this is just a continuation of the old "a better UNIX than UNIX" claim Microsoft made about NT a while back, where I guess the first occurrence of "UNIX" meant "an OS that can support the same kind of applications UNIX can, even if it doesn't do so by offering UNIX APIs directly" (although with Interix's UN*X subsystem replacing the old "contractual obligation POSIX subsystem" from NT, maybe they *can* offer them directly and make it easier to just run those apps on Windows;

Then again maybe it's not true and Ballmer is either totally confused: Unix as synonym for OS or Server OS or he just means his better OS

Or he's referring to some kind of POSIX API on Windows having deluded himself much in the same way an American car manufacturer might imagine they're having their lunch eaten by foreigners because the competition produces more red cars. Yeah, that must be it...forget reliability and stability and security and non-insane allocation of hardware and software must be that pesky open() call which is sending MS to its doom. Unix becomes a cargo cult at at 11.

I'm waiting for the day when they fully implement eniW and support running, say, Linux - or Solaris x86, or... - binaries on Windows).

Steve-o also emphatically claims to have "never thrown a chair", (around 2:50) too.


p.s. Someone should tell that bloggernaut it's "row to hoe", unless perhaps you work in a caviar factory.

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