Hey gang:
While deleting S20netatalk out of the rc.d directories will work...is there
a more elegant way to get rid of appletalk services? This server takes
forever to come up because it sits there forever and a day trying to find
all the appletalk services on the subnet.

You can enable and disable services during startup with the
"chkconfig" tool.  It basically adjusts the symlinks in the rc.d
directories for the various run levels (the real files are in init.d).

   # chkconfig --list         # lists all scripts at all run levels
   # chkconfig --list syslog  # just lists syslog
   # chkconfig syslog off     # turns off syslog at all levels
   # chkconfig --level 2345 syslog on    # turns on syslog for 2,3,4,5

There's nothing wrong with manipulating the symlinks directly,
the chkconfig script just provides a more convenient and less
fault-prone interface.

/brian chee
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology

Where you always part of soest?  I thought you were part of uhcc/its.

Tim Newsham

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