Angela Kahealani wrote:

I've used yup, yum and apt-get with Redhat / Fedora Core / Yellow Dog,
apt-get with Debian, and finally emerge with Gentoo...
they're all great tools... but they can only work as well as the repositories they feed from, and the Fedora Core EXTRAS split into two incompatible repositories finally drove me away from binary distros...
I'm now a Gentoo fan.

emerge --sync
emerge --update --deep system
emerge --update --deep world

means I'll NEVER again have to install from scratch every 6 mos.

The incompatibilities between various yum repositories are not as bad as I described it to be. There appear to be two main camps: (Fedora extra + Livna) and (everything else, including the more common repositories such as: dag, freshrpms, dries, newsrpm). My experience is, avoid Livna & everything (as far as yum is concerned) will be fine. Most other repositories have bent their way to accommodate Fedora extra, but not Livna. I have encountered problems mixing freshrpms and Livna.

On Gentoo, my experience is that the performance gain, if any, was not nearly as great as I had expected. But for big packages, such as GNOME, the improvement in performance is definitely noticeable.

The problem is, most of the time, I just needed to install a package and get it over with. Gentoo would take too long to do this. OTOH, "yumex" (Yum extender) allows me to add a repository (per Google) on the fly and, after a couple of clicks, your package is installed and actually integrated into GNOME. Whether this is good or bad, make your own call. Wayne

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