Vince Hoang wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 09:39:56AM -1000, Julian Yap wrote:
>> On Sat, 2006-12-16 at 09:08 -1000, Matt Darnell wrote:
>>>> The ISOs for various releases have squeezed out most of
>>>> the updates, so Julian is correct, only updates for the
>>>> Debian and SuSE repositories are available. As the ISOs get
>>>> larger, the SuSE repository will drop, and finally Debian.
> Over the years, I have noticed that the repositories were not
> really used much. The mirrored ISOs turned out to be used more
> and involved less maintenance, so I have been leaning heavily
> towards mirroring smaller projects and the more popular ISOs.
>>> Does the current box have room, or can you use them to bring
>>> up a seperate server for the updates?
>> The current HOSEF server at UH is fully loaded with hard disk
>> drives.
> The last time there was major maintenance, we moved the disks
> around to provide much more space between them to allow for
> better cooling. We could physically squeeze more disks into the
> server now, but we would give up in reliability because the disks
> would sit very close to each other and start sharing IDE chains.
> If we get a donation of 250-500GB pairs, it would be worth
> pulling out the old disks to upgrade. I think donations in the
> 100GB range would be best served for school servers.
>>> I am sure HOSEF has a box it could donate to LUAU.
> I have been arguing against more servers and moving most of the
> web content off to a hosted facility and using the existing
> server mostly for backups and file service.
> -Vince
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As we discussed eons ago, Vince, the primary advantage of having a local
mirror is to implement a local throttling.  It this still the case?  Wayne
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