> Quoting "jon":
> A couple of other things to look into for spam fighting. A 30 second sleep
> during the smtp exchange will reduce spam, sendmail uses what is called a
> 'GreetPause'. Testing for valid users during the smtp process then rejecting
> the email if the user doesn't exist will also help. Make sure that you send a
> message back to the sender letting them know that that user does not exist, it
> may just have been a typo.
> Anything you can do at the smtp layer is preferred, it will be less of a load 
> on
> your server at this level rather than spamassassin firing up perl to check the
> mail.
> Hope that helps a little,
> Jon

Hey Jon,

What is needed to setup the 30 second sleep delay for sendmail? Also, are their 
any negative effects to doing this?

We run SA here at work and filter 100,000+ messages a day. Our setup runs 
spamassassin, clamav, sare ruleset, RBL, SURBL, DCC, Pyzor, Razor, etc. Its 
running up and up with the commercial spam appliances. :)


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