On 04/13/2013 10:28 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:

> Repeating the "sudo apt-get upgrade" step responded with something about
> the (new kernel) change being "held-back".
> This made me lose all trust in the terminal method of updating, because
> when I apply updates, I want them all to be applied - not just some of
> them.

That is a choice, you can use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if you are
really 100% sure you always want to include new packages in your update

  man apt-get

is recommended reading.  Learn some more of the things apt-get can do.
"Losing all trust" in a well known and very stable tool because you
don't actually read its supplied documentation seems unwarranted, to me.

> A check of the Task Manager window showed Update Manager using time,
> as well as apt-check.

OK, so the apt-check Python script (really the Python file found at
/usr/lib/notifier/apt_check.py ) is (probably) being run by the Update
Manager and is taking a long time to complete.  If true, this is
significant progress towards understanding this issue.

> On slow machines, the method of applying software updates is broken,
> and not something an ordinary user can deal with, or use with any
> real chance of success.

If you need a way for a group of your inexperienced Linux users to use,
to manually update their systems on demand, a one line shell script that
says just

  gksudo "bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y'"

placed in their ~/Desktop/ folder so it appears on their desktop, is
probably all you need.  Nice pretty GUI prompt for the sudo pw, followed
by running the very stable and well tested low-ram-usage non-Python
apt-get commands to do all updates to their machine.  No terminal usage
by inexperienced users needed.  However, you should probably take the
time to learn more about apt-get and its various command line parameters
and options, and then some time testing this approach, before
implementing it for a large group of clients.

You might also investigate the unattended-upgrades package, if these
machines are left on and connected to the Internet, so updating can
happen overnight with no user intervention needed.  Then, even if it
takes 30 minutes or whatever, no-one will notice, unless they are using
the PC at 3am (or whatever time you configure the cron job to run at).
Note however that by default this approach will not install "all
updates" as you seem to define it, some configuration will be needed.

While I am not thrilled that your bug report was closed as invalid,
there seem to me to be ways to achieve what I think you are trying to
do.  If you are deploying a large number of (450MHz 512MB!) Lubuntu
machines, for use by inexperienced end users, then investigating these
possibilities and coming up with a method that works for the intended
users is probably worth some of your time as the network and system
administrator for the set of machines concerned.


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