On 19/10/13 16:47, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> On 2013-10-19 16:51, German G wrote:
>> Hello list. Something terrible happened to my system after some upgrade
>> and now, my system hangs at boot ( Lubuntu logo displayed)
>> What would you do in such case? I need my system asap. Thanks for any
>> suggestions.
> Hello German G,
> Please describe your system with more details, and it will be possible
> to give better advice :-)
> Computer: brand name, model, cpu, ram (size), graphics chip/card, wifi
> chip/card.
> Operating system: Version before and after upgrade. Any special PPA or
> deb file installed. Current drivers for graphics and wifi.
> Check with
> sudo lshw
> and/or
> hardinfo
> You might need a boot option, start with nomodeset, see
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions
> or in the worst case, support for some of your hardware was dropped in
> the upgraded version, but this is rather unlikely. We will probably fix
> your problem ...
> Best regards
> Nio
try running dmidecode as root (or use sudo) to get a big list of
hardware,  there also lshw and lshw-gtk (if you want a nice gui
interface)  and a few others,

post to pastebin or use command > hardware.txt to save as a text file





Exeter Raspberry PI Jam 12th October 2013,  Hoskins Room, Exeter Central 
Library, 10-12 

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