On 05/10/2014 08:14 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
On 05/10/2014 05:53 AM, Ali Linx wrote:
Yes, I can resize that - not sure I explained that? - but not all the application allows you to do so. Some applications/tools by default, are drawn in a way that none of the edges or borders are cut-off so I can read exactly everything without resizing and sometimes with resizing. However, some applications/tools don't actually allow you to do that or these do but to a certain point where you can't go further and after all, it is useless and you still miss the bottom part.

Hello Aere and thanks for your reply,

The application I tested, is the one I have developed, and I used it for testing because I understand how it works internally, and because of developing it, I am aware of the internal things the developer can specify.

It is written in Java, and uses the Swing GUI. So it differs from most applications on Linux, which are written in C++, and likely use QT (or GTK) for the GUI.

Oh okay :)

I am assuming that the things available to the developer in Java/Swing are similar to what is available to developers using Qt and C++. That assumption could very well be wrong. I don't actually know.
No idea, I'm not even close to be a developer/programmer :D

Certainly, there is the capability to maximize the window available. I didn't mention it because we were addressing cases where part of the window is cut-off. Maximizing would introduce the possibility of it being cut-off width-wise as well.

In your paragraph above, you have a good point.

Normally, when you paint a window, it will display it using the 'preferred' dimensions.

However (and I may fix this in my application - I hadn't thought of it), the application is (or can be) aware of the screen dimensions available, and can act accordingly.
Indeed, this is IMHO what should happen in general. I thought that is the default 'setting' with applications but it appears it is not.

To fix it, if the screen is too small for the window, I could (and should) at least set the window size to its minimum dimensions, rather than allowing it to be painted in its 'preferred' dimensions. In the case of my application, the minimum dimensions will still not be enough, but it would help. Thank you for pointing out a bug in my application!
You welcome :D

IMHO, the maximum default size (default/initial size = the size of the window upon running it) of any window should be 'smaller' than the resolution of the display. If this is the default settings, then we would never have this issue no matter how small your screen is.

As for what package you would report the problem, it would be each individual application that exhibits the problem, which is probably a lot of packages.
You think so? I'm not too sure about this to be honest ...

By the way, when my web-site goes live (which will be soon), I plan to post a short e-mail to this list (if it is permissible) giving the URL of my web-site, and people (if they are interested) can take a look at what I have been doing since January of 2012. It is a MIDI music application, which (I think) is amazing in what it can do.
Good luck with that and will be waiting to see :)

Anyway, I hope this information helps.

Actually, I'm glad that you 100% understand what I'm talking about. However, that didn't 100% fix my issue :D or to be more accurate (as I don't use Lubuntu on my own machine) fix the issue for my neighbors.

I need to go make a small fix to my application.

Good luck and glad this discussion will make your app even better ;)


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