
Yes.  I did both, reinstalled grub and then "mkconfig'd" it and on cold
boot, selecting Lubuntu now brings verbose log in/dmesg, or it shows up . .
. in the fairly slow boot process . . . but got there!!  And uname -r shows
5.19xxx kernel . . . !!!!!!!!

It takes a village . . . in my case.  I guess the thing was, after erasing
the 5.13 kernel I edited the individual grub item data, but didn't run
another "grub2-mkconfig" to solidify the edits??  Or, in this case, find
the newer kernel and register it, etc.

I started a new thread on Discourse, but since I'm now running Lubuntu I
can't post an update there . . . ?????  : - 0

On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM Fritz Hudnut <este.el....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is:
> Thanks for the reply . . . I do "know" which distro is handling grub . . .
> the TW install, but they don't do the same "update-grub" command in SUSE,
> as I recall from past exploits trying to get grub tidied up . . . .  They
> do a command like "grub2-mkconfig xxxxxxx" which I did run yesterday.  They
> do offer reinstall with "grub2-install" . . . .
> I guess it wouldn't hurt to run that to see if it picks up the newer
> kernel in Lu . . . now that 5.13 is gone there should be a more clear
> "choice" . . . .
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 9:33 AM Israel Dahl <israeld...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Fritz,
>> The best way to update grub is using the `update-grub` CLI utility.
>> But you have to do it from the distro you installed grub with.  If you
>> can remember which one you installed grub with, simply run that command
>> using `sudo` and it should automatically detect the most recent kernel and
>> do it for you.
>> If you cannot figure out which one you installed it with, reinstall grub
>> from the distro you use the most.
>> On 9/21/22 11:06, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>> et al:
>> Spoke too soon . . . not out of the woods on this one yet.  Seems like
>> the edits made in the grub "EFI" menu are not maintained on reboot??
>> Doesn't seem to be any hints on how to "save" the edits . . . just make
>> them and then boot them???  But, then it appears that the edits are lost
>> and it's back to the previous version??
>> After I got 5.19 to boot I used the GUI mainline kernel app to remove the
>> old 5.13 kernel, to try to get the system to default to 5.19, but on trying
>> today it said, "5.13 not found, hit any key to continue" and back into Grub
>> menu we went.
>> Arrowed down to Lubuntu, pressed "e" and changed the kernel data to 5.19
>> and it booted up.
>> Question is, why doesn't it hold the data??  I've changed both line
>> items, the "Lubuntu" and the "advanced options" data and I can boot it, one
>> time . . . .  I tried "ctrl o" but that didn't do anything . . . .  Do I
>> need to take it to "command line" and then try to "ctrl o" it to save it??
>> F
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 9:53 AM Fritz Hudnut <este.el....@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Top posting, with impunity!!
>>> So, I got a hint over on Discourse to "check the grub EFI menu" . . .
>>> and once I figured out how to do that, indeed, Lubuntu was listing itself
>>> as "19.10" and set to be booting 5.13 . . . took some more time to figure
>>> out how to edit that data, to the correct wording for the kernel . . . and
>>> that did seem to boot Lubuntu to 5.19!!!
>>> Only "problem" seems to be that when I'm booted in Lubuntu the Discourse
>>> site loads as a white page . . . of whiteness.  I'll have to reboot into a
>>> non-Lu system to get it to load . . . .
>>> So far now it seems like the solution has been invoked . . . .
>>> F
>>> On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 3:45 PM Nio Wiklund <nio.wikl...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi again Fritz,
>>>>> Is the problematic system your main system or 'only' a test system? If
>>>>> a
>>>>> test system you might just reinstall it to get rid of the problem.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Nio
>> --
>> 😷
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