Less is more.  One FAQ is better than two.  Although I maintain the
jGuru FAQ, I don't have any issues with going the Wiki approach
(although I'm not a big fan of Wikis, because they require me to learn
yet another made-up markup language), and going the community-supplied

jGuru can provide XML dump of a FAQ, and I believe I can obtain it, if
you want to use that to seed the Wiki FAQ.  But let's hear some more
opinions before doing anything.  Maybe you should ask users on
lucene-user, since that's where the people who depend on Lucene FAQ


--- Daniel Naber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> there are currently two FAQs for Lucene:
> http://www.jguru.com/faq/Lucene
> http://lucene.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/faq/faqmanager.cgi
> To my mind that leads to redundancy and decreases the motivation to
> update 
> at least one of them. As the jguru FAQ is full of ads and more
> difficult 
> to navigate my suggestion is:
> -Don't link the jguru FAQ anymore and then take it offline completely
> (so 
> that people don't find it via Google and think it's up-to-date)
> -Copy missing items missing to the FAQ at sourceforge 
> -Make sure that all committers get write access to that FAQ
> -Clean up and update the FAQ
> Does anybody see a problem with that?
> Regards
>  Daniel
> -- 
> http://www.danielnaber.de
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