Title: KeywordAnalyzer split into KeywordTokenizer/KeywordAnalyzer

Hi all,

I found Erik's KeywordAnalyzer very useful (I had just written a similar but more limited one a few hours before him) but I wanted a KeywordTokenizer that I would then be able to use in different circumstances more easily (E.g. chain it to a LowercaseFilter)

So I took the liberty to modify his code into a KeywordTokenizer and let the KeywordAnalyzer return an instance of it.
It also solves the problem that the original KeywordAnalyzer never closed its Reader (TokenStream.close() was called implicitly, but that has an empty implementation)

What is the proper way to sumbit this?
I attached a diff that should be applied in contrib/analyzers/src/java/org/apache/lucene/analysis
Should I submit it as an attachment to a Bugzilla report instead?



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