I'm out of town this weekend, but I'm hoping to get one or two designs (likely 
just screenshots) attached to the JIRA so people can give me some feedback. 
I'll make it quick turn around and won't leave it open for feedback long 
though. If anyone has ideas / thoughts, samples they like, comment on the JIRA 
for the website stuff.
I spoke with Troy this evening and it's likely after we get the logo contest 
completed we'd redesign to fit the logo better - so I'm not too worried about 
what this first iteration looks like.
Also, I am not a designer ;)

> From: thowar...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:32:03 -0800
> To: lucene-net-dev@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: [Lucene.Net] Lucene.Net Tasks due by 2/28
> All,
> I've recently been updating JIRA a lot and that's causing a lot of
> noise on the dev list. Also, because of that noise, I fear that some
> of the more important details of those changes might be passing by
> unnoticed.
> Mostly, I'm trying to get the project cleaned up by the end of the
> month. The goal is that March will represent a month of building out
> our new infrastructure and creating our first new release as a team
> (2.9.4). To that end, I'd like to resolve some of the outstanding
> questions about tooling so we can get started building out solutions
> with those tools. Also, I'd like to see our new status and efforts
> announced publicly, but I'm hesitant to draw much attention to the
> project until the website is updated.
> Additionally, I'd like to take a moment to apologize a bit for moving
> at such a rapid pace. I realize this is not sustainable and could
> cause some people to feel alienated if they don't have the time or
> energy right this second to match that pace. I also feel a bit
> self-conscious and am concerned that I'm being a little to much 'me',
> and perhaps not enough 'we'.
> I have been taking a lot of liberty regarding the project direction,
> bypassing some opportunities for community discussion and voting, in
> the interests of pushing the project forward and catching up a bit of
> lost time. Once we get past this initial push, I hope that we can slow
> down a bit, and maintain a healthy forward-moving pace with plenty of
> time allotted for discussion, group decision making and voting. The
> Apache Way is the way this project will succeed and thrive, and that
> requires all of us.
> So, that said, the outstanding tasks, which we can hopefully complete
> by next Monday are:
> Troy Howard:
> LUCENENET-381 - Official release of Lucene.Net 2.9.2
> Sergey Mirvoda:
> LUCENENET-398 - LUCENENET-391 Prepare the code for ingestion
> Michael Herndon:
> LUCENENET-400 - Evaluate tooling for continuous integration server
> Prescott Nasser:
> LUCENENET-379 - Clean up Lucene.Net website
> LUCENENET-379 / LUCENENET-403 - Improve site layout and design
> LUCENENET-379 / LUCENENET-402 - Update website to reflect current
> status and information
> LUCENENET-379 / LUCENENET-401 - Update website to be Apache CMS based
> Alex Thompson:
> LUCENENET-380 - Evaluate Sharpen as a port tool
> Does anyone feel less than confident about being able to complete
> those tasks on that schedule? Need any help? Want to change
> assignments?
> Anyone in the community want to get involved as a contributor on any
> of these tasks (or any of the open tasks in JIRA that are not listed
> here)? Sergey could probably use some help on Luke.Net. Prescott has a
> lot of work cut out for him on the website. Perhaps we should get the
> ball rolling on 2.9.4 task assignments for everyone else?
> Thanks,
> Troy                                    

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