On 2011-02-23, Troy Howard wrote:

> That makes sense. We've been serving up the distributions from
> ~/lucene.net/site/download in our svn repo through the website.

Ah, understood.  This is not the way you should do it - in fact you
should never have done.  Releases are supposed to take advantage of the
ASF mirror system and the mirrors pick up stuff from www.apache.org/dist

The download page either only is a template for a CGI script provided by
our infrastructure gurus or uses
http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/ (with an appropriate
path replacing the /incubator/ part) to link to the things to download.
It will never point to the mirrors for PGP signatures of MD5/SHA1
hashes, of course.

> I guess with this release, once it passes the IPMC vote, we can create
> a lucene.net under http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/ and serve
> from there?

I'd say you must.

> Should we also move our past release artifacts there?

Old releases are supposed to be on <http://archive.apache.org/dist/>
which is a non-deleting mirror of <http://www.apache.org/dist/>.  You
could get all the old releases archived by putting them on www for a
short time first but then all mirrors would pull them down just to
delete them soon thereafter.  We should ask infra whether there is a
better way to move the old releases to the archive.


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