
Thanks so much for the explanation. This is much clearer.

I found that we have an extant KEYS.TXT at:

Would it be acceptable to simply add to that file, or is this file in
the wrong location?


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Stefan Bodewig <> wrote:
> On 2011-02-21, Troy Howard wrote:
>> Stefan - You indicated that the Apache signing process is
>> straightforward and simple, but the documentation is kind of all over
>> the place.
> I've never read any of it ;-)
>> It discusses so many edge cases and different methods for doing this
>> that it's hard to know what the correct one is.  I might be missing
>> something. Do you mind breaking it down for me in a very simple step
>> by step manner?
> I'll try but skip over the details since they ultimately depend on the
> OpenPGP implementation you use.  The only implementations I have ever
> used were a self-compiled PGP 2.6.x more than ten years ago and several
> versions of GnuPG, all of them running on Linux - and I've never used
> any GUI of any kind.
> If anything I write below is unclear, please ask and I'll try to figure
> out the correct answer.  Maybe even by reading the ASF documentation.
> First of all you need an OpenPGP implementation.  I use GnuPG, you might
> prefer something graphical.
> Then you need a key pair.  This should be straight forward to create
> with your OpenPGP implementation.  It may be best to pick the defaults
> offered as algorithms and the longest key length your implementation
> offers.
> In retrospect it may have been a good idea if I had created my key in a
> way that it expired after ten years since the key length of my key will
> no longer be sufficient in a few years (if it still is today).  But then
> again I can simply create a new one and stop using the old one at one
> point in time.
> The next step is to publish the key.  There are key servers and
> publishing you key there is a command line option in GnuPG.  Most of the
> key servers have a web frontend where you can simply add your ASCII
> armored exported key as well.  For example <>.
> The key servers automatically propagate keys from one server to the
> others so it is sufficient to publish to a single server.
> You should also create a file called KEYS and add it to Lucene.NET's svn
> area so all developers can add their keys to it.  This one will later be
> published in as the authoritative source.
> For an example that also explains how to create the file see
> <>
> The most difficult part is getting your key signed by others.  There is
> no general rule.  You must try to find people who are willing to sign
> your key.  Most people will only do so if you meet F2F so try to contact
> ASF people living close to you.  All bigger ASF events have key signing
> parties just for this purpose.
> If your key isn't signed by anybody else you can certainly still sign
> the releases with it - users are just less likely to have chain of trust
> leading to your key.  In reality they likely won't have one anyway.
> Finally you create the distribution artifact the way you always did.
> Once done you create a detached signature for each of the distribution
> artifacts.  I.e. if you have you sign it which creates
>  You publish both of them side by side.  That is
> really all that needs to be done.
> On the download page the link to will point to the ASF
> mirror system while the one to will always point to
> Stefan

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