One good idea, but not sure if possible with ASF CMS, is to have a feed with 
the news that are now in home page, and the possibility to link to single news. 
Well... a blog :)
Would be much better than adding all news one after the other in the home page


Simone Chiaretta
Sent from a tablet

On 04/dic/2011, at 07:27, michael herndon <> wrote:

> Maybe we use should build a mail/chat/social media search with
> lucene.netat some point in the future?  I'm sure there is a way to log
> the chat.
> I posted up a tweet tonight on the release. better later than never.
> I have two more tweets scheduled using hootsuite, one to thank Simone for
> the packages, another to ask for article and application submissions on
> monday.  If anyone else has ideas for the branding aspect, do share. I'll
> try to check the feed daily.
> hashtag: #lucenenet
> - Michael.
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Troy Howard <> wrote:
>> Re: Twitter
>> Sadly not a single tweet has been sent out on our twitter account.
>> Really need to remedy that.
>> Re: IRC/realtime chat
>> There have been some good reasons expressed by various folks at Apache
>> (and in our team)  that realtime chat in channels which are not
>> publicly logged should generally be discouraged. This is because it's
>> all too easy to have a discussion in which only a few members of the
>> community are present, and make decisions without any opportunity for
>> the rest of the community to have input and without the ability to
>> review the reasoning or discourse later. The same holds true for user
>> support, as it's much better to have that public and logged in a
>> mailing list message so that others might find that through searches
>> and use as a reference.
>> That said, people do use IRC/IM from time to time, but we prefer to
>> keep most if not all of the communications public and on the Apache
>> mailing lists. So feel free to set up a chat room and chat with
>> whomever wants to join about whatever topic, but for most things at
>> Apache the philosophy is "mailing list, or it didn't happen". :)
>> Thanks,
>> Troy
>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Prescott Nasser <>
>> wrote:
>>>> I just saw that there is a twitter account for
>>>> is anybody using it?
>>> Login information is in the private repo - does anyone know how I get to
>> that, I can make an announcement

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