I want to discuss the outstanding issues blocking a 3.0.3 release.  I've
already moved quite a few bugs to 3.5 that are too time-consuming or
require too many changes to the code.  It's fairly obvious that we wouldn't
be able to finish them.  Other more serious bugs, like the
culture-sensitivity issues we've been seeing and failing tests, were able
to be closed due to changed checked in by committers and contributors.

-- Task 470, a non-serious one, is listed only because it's mostly done and
just need a few loose ends tied up.  I'll hopefully have time to take care
of that this weekend.
-- Task 446 (CLS Compliance), is important, but there's no way we can get
this done quickly.  The current state of this issue is that all of the
names of public members are now compliant.  There are a few things that
aren't, the use of sbyte (particularly those related to the FieldCache) and
some conflicts with *protected or internal* fields (some with public
members).  Opinions on this one will be appreciated the most.  My opinion
is that we should draw a line on the amount of CLS compliance to have in
this release, and push the rest into 3.5.
-- Improvement 337 - Are we going to add this code (not present in java) to
the core library?
-- Improvement 456 - This is related to builds being output in Apache's
release format.  Do we want to do this for this release?


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