Hi, i am facing some problems in sorting the results from lucene.
I want to sort the result according to the date of an object. I have used
"EDITDATE" field for this purpose as shown below:


I have read in the 'Lucene in Action' that, the field which we are going to
use for sorting must be indexed but UN_TOKENIZED. But i get the results in
random order...

I am using following code in the search app:

Query *query = qp->Parse(querydata->ToString());
BooleanQuery *boolquery = new BooleanQuery();
Sort *sort = new Sort("EDITDATE",true);
Hits *hits = searcher->Search(boolquery,sort);

So can you please suggest, what is wrong in this example?

Thanks & Regards...
Ravindra V. Gaikwad.
S.E., Colayer Gmbh.

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