As I said before, Lucene.Net in svn-trunk (2.3.1) is not broken and can be 
compiled without any error.
I downloaded the source from 5 
minutes ago, and compiled it without any errors.


-----Original Message-----
From: László Monda [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: Building Lucene.Net from SVN

For those of you who have any doubts about Mono I must say that it
works perfectly well.  It's getting more and more popular, it's rock
stable and it even outperforms MS .NET in some areas.  There are a
number of big and popular projects that are using it right now.  I
don't wanna make a debate about it, just want to make things clear.

Command line compilation might seem unusual and there are other ways
even on Linux, but it always worked well for me.  The current SVN
trunk might be 2.3.1 or anything else, but it's clearly broken right
now.  It's not that I've included some files that I shouldn't have
been, but there are some required files (like DocumentWriter.cs) that
are clearly broken.

I'd really appreciate if developers could tag the appropriate versions
so that one could check out the preferred version and build it without

I hope that someone can help me to build Lucene.Net because otherwise
I'll have to port my little application to Java to use Java Lucene
which I wouldn't prefer since I really love the .NET platform.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Laimonas Simutis <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Ciaran Roarty <> 
> wrote:
>> So that could be built on Windows and used with Mono?
> Would not recommend doing that. I have seen it work, but more than
> often, at least for my projects, I was getting mysterious crashes that
> would go away after recompiling with mono.
> I personally haven't tried compiling with mono, and cannot
> try it right now, but could give it a shot later on in the evening...
>> On 17 Feb 2009, at 17:26, Laimonas Simutis <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:02 AM, DIGY <> wrote:
>>>> Current version of Lucene.Net in svn-trunk (2.3.1) is stable and can be
>>>> compiled without any error.
>>>> Use project/solution file to compile the project. I personally use Visual
>>>> C# 2005 Express Edition.  You will get thousands of warnings about unused
>>>> variables or XML documentation but it is OK.
>>> Yeah, but it looks like he is using mono c# compiler, which basically
>>> tries to build all .cs files in the directory (I think). Maybe there
>>> are some left over, undeleted files hanging around in directories that
>>> are not part of VS IDE project file.
>>>> DIGY
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: László Monda []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 5:53 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Building Lucene.Net from SVN
>>>> I've checked out the latest revision lately, then tried to build
>>>> Lucene by using the following command:
>>>> $ gmcs -t:library -r:System.Configuration `find Lucene.Net -name
>>>> '*.cs' ! -name RemoteSearchable.cs -type f` -out:Lucene.Net.dll
>>>> Here is what I got:
>>>> Lucene.Net/Analysis/Standard/TokenMgrError.cs(49,18): error CS8025:
>>>> Parsing error
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(126,57): error CS8025: Parsing error
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/SegmentReade-2r.cs(32,22): error CS0101: The
>>>> namespace `Lucene.Net.Index' already contains a definition for
>>>> `SegmentReader'
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/SegmentReader.cs(34,22): (Location of the symbol
>>>> related to previous error)
>>>> Compilation failed: 3 error(s), 0 warnings
>>>> I removed SegmentReade-2r.cs, fixed the messed up comments in
>>>> TokenMgrError.cs and DocumentWriter.cs and tried again.  Here's the
>>>> result:
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(109,41): warning CS1717: Assignment
>>>> made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(116,41): warning CS1717: Assignment
>>>> made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(123,41): warning CS1717: Assignment
>>>> made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(130,41): warning CS1717: Assignment
>>>> made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(137,41): warning CS1717: Assignment
>>>> made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(83,55): warning CS0219: The variable
>>>> `cal' is assigned but its value is never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Document/DateTools.cs(290,55): warning CS0219: The variable
>>>> `cal' is assigned but its value is never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/LockStressTest.cs(65,49): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/LockStressTest.cs(75,67): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/LockStressTest.cs(79,60): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/LockStressTest.cs(83,49): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/LockStressTest.cs(114,66): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/FSDirectory.cs(337,91): warning CS0168: The variable
>>>> `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Store/FSDirectory.cs(534,54): warning CS0219: The variable
>>>> `generatedAux' is assigned but its value is never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/FilterManager.cs(270,92): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/FieldCacheImpl.cs(482,87): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `nfe3' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/FieldCacheImpl.cs(475,79): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `nfe1' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/ParallelMultiSearcher.cs(101,84): warning CS0168:
>>>> The variable `ie' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/ParallelMultiSearcher.cs(153,84): warning CS0168:
>>>> The variable `ie' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Search/Function/DocValues.cs(143,72): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/SegmentInfos.cs(401,54): warning CS0168: The variable
>>>> `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/SegmentInfos.cs(660,102): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `err2' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/SegmentInfos.cs(673,116): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/MultiReader.cs(182,86): warning CS0168: The variable
>>>> `ignore' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(393,82): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `OpenDocument' and no extension method `OpenDocument' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(395,74): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `OpenField' and no extension method `OpenField' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(399,74): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `CloseField' and no extension method `CloseField' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(402,90): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `IsFieldOpen' and no extension method `IsFieldOpen' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(404,66): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `AddTerm' and no extension method `AddTerm' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/DocumentWriter.cs(408,58): error CS1061: Type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' does not contain a definition for
>>>> `CloseDocument' and no extension method `CloseDocument' of type
>>>> `Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsWriter' could be found (are you missing a
>>>> using directive or an assembly reference?)
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/IndexFileDeleter.cs(177,96): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/IndexFileDeleter.cs(221,62): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `e' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/MultiSegmentReader.cs(61,78): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `ignore' is declared but never used
>>>> Lucene.Net/Index/MultiSegmentReader.cs(161,94): warning CS0168: The
>>>> variable `ignore' is declared but never used
>>>> Compilation failed: 6 error(s), 28 warnings
>>>> I don't wanna hack Lucene just to build it and I cannot use the latest
>>>> build because it is 14 months old and works horribly slowly.  I'm
>>>> extremely disappointed about the current state of Lucene.Net.
>>>> Anybody has any suggestion how to build Lucene.Net from the SVN?
>>>> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Ron Grabowski <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What version of are you using? I found that when I built the
>>>>> latest version from source the index building was blazingly fast compared 
>>>>> to
>>>>> the latest binaries on the website.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>>> From: László Monda <>
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:18:35 PM
>>>>> Subject: IndexWriter.AddDocument is slow
>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>> It takes pretty long time to index documents using Lucene.Net.  It
>>>>> takes about 3 seconds to add thounsand documents to the index.  I've
>>>>> used Java Lucene in the past and according to my memories indexing
>>>>> should be about 20 times faster.
>>>>> Here's the relevant code:
>>>>>          IndexWriter index_writer = new IndexWriter("index", new
>>>>> StandardAnalyzer(), true);
>>>>> //            index_writer.SetMergeFactor(10000);
>>>>> //            index_writer.SetMaxMergeDocs(10000);
>>>>> //            index_writer.SetMaxBufferedDocs(10000);
>>>>>          ExecuteSqlQuery("SELECT artist, title FROM songname");
>>>>>          int count = 0;
>>>>>          while (reader.Read()) {
>>>>>              if (count > 0 && count%1000 == 0) {
>>>>>                  Console.WriteLine(count);
>>>>>              }
>>>>>              Document document = new Document();
>>>>>              document.Add(new Field("artist",
>>>>> reader.GetString("artist"), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
>>>>>              document.Add(new Field("title",
>>>>> reader.GetString("title"), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
>>>>>              index_writer.AddDocument(document);
>>>>>              count++;
>>>>>          }
>>>>> When decommenting the commented lines indexing gets about 2x faster,
>>>>> but it's not really significant.
>>>>> I'd really appreciate your insights about this speed issue.
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Laci  <>
>>>> --
>>>> Laci  <>

Laci  <>

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