On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Nathan G. Freier wrote:

> I'm a graduate student in the Information School at the University of 
> Washington.  I'm currently in the process of developing a prototype 
> online IR system and I have been making use of Lucene's API.  I'm just 
> beginning to plan out some mechanisms for query expansion and relevance 
> feedback.  I haven't seen any mention of manual or automated query 
> expansion or user relevance feedback in the Lucene documentation or FAQs.  
> Does anyone have any experience with these processes in general and/or 
> specifically with Lucene?  If so, did you have to reimplement Lucene's 
> Scorer to incorporate the relevance measures?  Any pointers to 
> information on how practical this redesign would be?  Will I be able to 
> implement query expansion and/or relevance feedback without 
> reconstructing some of Lucene's underlying scoring code?

I've also been doing research in IR using the Lucene API.  Regarding query
expansion, I wrote my own code to do that, based on an algorithm I
developed (which is a type of thesaurus-based expansion).  Basically I ran
the original query terms through the appropriate analyzers, decided what
terms I wanted to add, and constructed my own Query from these terms
(using TermQuery and BooleanQuery).

While I did weight documents based on the terms they used (take a look at
TermQuery.setBoost()), I didn't do relevance feedback per se.  Of course,
how you want to implement relevance feedback will depend on what mechanism
you want to use.

If you'd like to discuss this offline (since we may be getting off the
list topic), feel free to email me.



PS: Say hi to Wanda Pratt for me.  

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Per Obscurius...www.ics.uci.edu/~jmadden
    Joshua Madden: Information Scientist, Musician, Philosopher-At-Tall
 It's that moment of dawning comprehension that I live for--Bill Watterson
My opinions are too rational and insightful to be those of any organization.

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