On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 12:11:03PM -0800, Joshua O'Madadhain wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Mar 2002, Nathan G. Freier wrote:
> > I'm just beginning to plan out some mechanisms for query expansion
> > and relevance feedback.
> I've also been doing research in IR using the Lucene API.
> [...]
> If you'd like to discuss this offline (since we may be getting off the
> list topic), feel free to email me.

     I'm curious about this topic, although I have absolutely no
familiarity with it (beyond reading, many years ago, about the real
estate browsing UI experiment where they let users click on
inappropriate listings and refined the search based on that - a
feature I've often wished for with web search engines).

     If you could either include me in the CC list, or send me a
summary, or possibly (if others are also interested), continue the
discussion here, I'd appreciate it.

Steven J. Owens

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