Try searching for "beuti*"


-----Original Message-----
From: Pradeep Kumar K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Samstag, 11. Mai 2002 10:48
To: Lucene Users List
Subject: Re: contains


Thanks a lot for reply. I think I have not explained my doubt clearly .
I am not exactly searching for a letter, but can be a letter or a set of
letters .

Example: Consider the sentences
1) "God is love"
2) "Life is beutiful"
Currently using lucene we can index this sentence by using different
Analyzers. When I create a query for searching in the indexes, as far as
my knowledge there are different types of queries .
TermQuery,BooleanQuery, PrefixQuery etc. but when we supply a query to
an IndexSearcher, the results returned by
the  IndexSearcher   shows that unless if u give the whole word it
doesn't find.
ie,     if I search for  "beuti" it doen't return any results. but if we
search for "beutiful" it returns the number of hits 1.
Is there any way to create a query using any of the  lucene Query
objects, which should make the Indexsearcher to search even for  set of

Best Wishes

Joshua O'Madadhain wrote:

>I think what Peter was trying to get at was the question "when is it 
>useful for a search engine user to be able to search for words that 
>contain a particular letter?"
>For a language like Chinese, it would certainly be useful to be able to

>search for a single character.  However, the informational content of a

>single letter in an alphabet-based language (such as English) is so low

>that I have trouble believing that it would be useful to be able to do 
>this kind of search.
>That is to say: unless this feature has been presented to you as a 
>requirement, you may want to think about how it might be used in 
>practice before you spend a lot of time implementing it.
>Joshua O'Madadhain
>  Joshua O'Madadhain: Information Scientist, Musician,
> It's that moment of dawning comprehension that I live for--Bill
>My opinions are too rational and insightful to be those of any
>On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Pradeep Kumar K wrote:
>>Hi Peter
>>  I want to include an option called "contains " in my search 
>>application.  for  example: Name "contains"  'p' like that... Thanks 
>>for reply. Pradeep
>>Peter Carlson wrote:
>>>Do you really want to be able to find items by letter? Do you have 
>>>some other purpose that tokenizing by letter is trying to get around.
>>>If your do want to tokenize by letter, you can create your own 
>>>tokenizer which creates breaks up items by letter. See the current 
>>>tokenizers under org.apache.lucene.analysis.
>>>On 7/10/02 10:26 AM, "Pradeep Kumar K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>Is it possible to search for a word contains some letters? example :

>>>>"God is love"
>>>>how can I create query to search for sentences having  "d". I found 
>>>>that lucene is tokenizing a sentence  in to words not into letters. 
>>>>is it possible using lucene? Can anybody give a clue for this?
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