Because I'm really interested in the guts of Lucene, I dug even deeper....

On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 07:39 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
Is there anyway to make the system respond only to the order of the
terms as entered in the query?

I'm sure there is a way to make an OrderedPhraseQuery, although I'll need to do some more homework myself to craft such a thing. All the information to do such a thing is available, although maybe it wouldn't be as performant as PhraseQuery (just a guess, no facts to back that up yet).

PhraseQuery uses a SloppyPhraseScorer, and its phaseFreq method is what makes the order not matter. I'm pretty sure a new OrderedPhraseQuery that subclassed PhraseQuery and overrode createWeight and did something similar to the SloppyPhraseScorer would do the trick.


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