Hi all,

I`ve got a question about the delete feature. I have a very large collection of XML documents, each document contains a classification, and one document can be in different classfications, there is no tree structure in the classfications (all the classifications are in the same level), for example:
Doc 1 -> classification1
Doc 2 -> classification1 classification2 classification 3
Doc 3 -> classification 3
Doc 4 -> no classification

Then, with that structure I can perform queries like 'testing && classification:1' or 'testing && (classification:1 || classification:2)', etc.

Now, I need the feature to remove one classification from one document. I know I can delete de document and add it again, but I cannot do that because I'm adding the documents sorted by date, so, if i do that i will lose the sorting.

Anybody has implemented a similar feature. I don't want do delete a document, only want to upgrade a document field (just delete the classification x from the document's classification field). Is viable to do that?, Is it possible?

Any help will be appreciated.

Another question about the sorting by date technique is what happen when I merge different indexs?, for example i`ve got a large index sorted by date (or by docID), then every day I add the new documents in another index (by performance), and every week I merge the weekly index with the large one. After the mergin process, I want to mantain the documents sorted. Is lucene doing that by default?



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