Hello group,

I would like to implement Relevance Feedback functionality for my system.
>From the privious discussion in this group I know that this is not implemented
in Lucene. 

We all know that Relevance Feedback has two fields, which are 
1) Term Reweighting
2) Query Expansion

I am interesting in doing both of it. 

My first thought was that Term Reweighting can be solved with term boosing
and expansion, well, with basically generation a new query. Looking close to
one of the classic term reweighting formula's (Rocchio) however reveals that I
need access to the term vector of the relevant as well as the term vector of
the non-relevant documents. Bringing this to Lucenen it would mean, that I
need to have the score of each term in the relevant and non-relevant documents
to process the reweigthing formula.

Coming back to Lucene, this would mean that I need to extract Documents from
the Hits object after the search. From this Documents I would need to get
all terms and its scores.

However, Lucene does not provide this. Only Documents can be retrieved and
its scores. It does not provide access to its terms and therefore no access to
Term scores.

Does somebody have ideas of workaround for Term Reweighting and Query
Expansion withouth using the way over Hits. Does somebody have produces workarounds
and can provide it to me? 

Thank you very much in advance,

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