
"Release early, release often.." - well, perhaps too early in the case of 0.4 :-) There have been some small but annoying bugs in that release, which merited a quick fix. As a bonus you will get some new features as well... Standard text follows:

Luke is a Lucene index browser and diagnostic tool, available under Apache License. Please see the following link for more details, binaries, sources and Java WebStart version:


Note to Java Webstart users: you should get the new version the next time you start Luke.

Note to others: just use Java WebStart, ok? ;-)

Changes in v. 0.45:

* Added more details to the Overview panel.
* Add support for undeleting all deleted documents.
* Add Boost column to Document view.
* Use nicer formatting for numbers in the Explain window.
* Fix for not updating the parsed query view when pressing Search.
* Fix the JNLP file to require J2SE 1.3+.
* By popular demand, add a single self-contained JAR to the binary distribution.
* Minor restructuring to increase reuse.

Screenshots have been updated, too. Enjoy!

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki

Software Architect, System Integration Specialist
CEN/ISSS EC Workshop, ECIMF project chair
EU FP6 E-Commerce Expert/Evaluator
FreeBSD developer (http://www.freebsd.org)

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