>>Can I customize the way it does highlight terms? Right now it does so by arounding 
>>with <b>.
That's the job of a formatter class. You can pass one in the constructor eg:

Formatter myFormatter=new SimpleHTMLFormatter("<i>","</i>");
Highlighter h=new Highlighter(myFormatter, new QueryScorer(query)));

If you look at the formatter interface you can see it is now passed scores for each 
You could provide a Formatter implementation which coloured words with different 
colour intensity 
based on these scores if that was a useful effect.

>>Second, I miss the ability to let it highlight all fields or a selection or several 

Just concatenate them:

String textToBeHighlighted=field1Text+field2Text..;

and then send that to the highlighter, no?

>>What am I going to do if I want the entire text to be highlighted - and not 

Use one big fragment...

highlighter.setTextFragmenter(new SimpleFragmenter(1000000));


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