On May 18, 2004, at 1:43 PM, Timothy Stone wrote:
Erik Hatcher wrote:
Lucene 1.4 (now in release candidate stage) includes built-in sorting capabilities, so I definitely recommend you have a look at that. SearchBean is effectively deprecated based on this new much more powerful feature.

Forgive my naivety, but isn't the purpose of the SearchBean more than just sorting? Without the SearchBean, creating a MVC demo becomes a larger exercise to undertake.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by MVC here? A value list handler piece has been developed and links posted to it on this list - if this is the type of thing you're referring to.

Personally I'm skeptical of using such wrappers. Lucene itself provides the needed wrapping for efficiency to allow you to page through search results with the least possible resource use. Trying to pull all results into a collection and iterate them will not scale unless you leverage some lazy handling like Lucene already provides. I don't see the need to add an additional intermediate layer. Purists will claim it "abstracts" the implementation. But, I'm _agile_ and being so means I have faith in my skills to shift my codebase to a different search implementation when/if needed, and I definitely do not foresee that as even being a possibility since Lucene is superb.

I'd love to hear how folks are using SearchBean though, and why they feel it is beneficial.

Can anyone elaborate further on what Lucene 1.4 RC 3 offers that deprecates SearchBean?

Maybe "deprecates" was too strong - but sorting is completely covered with built-in capabilities now, and you can see above regarding my MVC opinions.

It offers sorting by relevance, document id, and any field you've indexed appropriately (see javadocs for details) as well as custom sorting implementations. I have, as a prototype, leveraged the custom sorting implementation to efficiently sort documents (businesses with a "location" field) by geographic distance from the user doing the query.


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