On May 19, 2004, at 8:04 AM, Timothy Stone wrote:
Could you elaborate on what you mean by MVC here? A value list handler piece has been developed and links posted to it on this list - if this is the type of thing you're referring to.

Again, maybe I was naively associating the "SearchBean" with something that it was not suppose to be doing. To elaborate, I would like to take the demo, which has been working with some success for two years on my site, and follow the suggestions of Andrew C. Oliver and go "Model 2 on the demo."

I've never seen a user story (or use case) that said "this feature must use MVC" :) What is the purpose of going MVC here? Is it just for architectural purity?

So the SearchBean's purpose, as I understood it, was to provide a Model 2 component for use in JSPs.

Consider a query that generates a million hits. How should the JSP iterate over them? In a pure MVC world, the JSP would be pushed the hits and allowed to display them however it likes. With Lucene Hits, you get this capability already. I'm just not convinced a wrapper is needed, especially now that sorting is built-in.

Again, I'm open to being convinced otherwise.

A value list handler piece has been developed and links posted to it
on this list - if this is the type of thing you're referring to.

I tried looking for references to such, but no luck.


Also, for JSP use, there is the taglib contribution in the sandbox that might be of interest to you. I've not gotten it to work, yet, and it's not quite my cup of tea (being an anti-JSP kinda guy that is).

I must admit that I get the feeling that "newbies" to Lucene seem to get less attention on the list. I'm one that tries real hard to research my question first in the archives (marc.theaimsgroup.com) then on the web. Even I get frustrated on some lists where the most obvious question is being asked and the asker misses hints and outright help.

When I was first learning Ant, I lurked on the ant-user list and when a question came up that I knew I'd answer it. When one came up that I didn't know, I'd research it by experimenting and cross-referencing in the source code to try to figure it out. We really get out of this community what we put into it, in my opinion. Newbies need to be savvy and do some homework and not expect everything to be spelled out beautifully - none of us have time to flesh out full-fledged example applications to answer every question. Sometimes a question comes along that I could reply to, but I let it go because I'm crushed for time as it is. Sometimes I'll answer - especially if the question piques my curiosity or has some aspect of a challenge for me to learn something new.

I personally try to answer professionally and thoroughly, but sometimes I might answer off-the-cuff or quickly and it comes out a bit tersely or perhaps intimidating. My contributions as a whole, though, are hopefully taken positively by the community.

The Lucene User list can be intimidating even for the advanced novice who may be on the right track but not phrasing or wording or describing the problem or task in front of him/her.

You are not the only one that gets blown away by things on this list. There are many times I've been baffled and completely mind-blown by things here - what underlies Lucene and what folks can build around it is simply astonishing. This is no typical open source project we're dealing with here. Thankfully the API is so straightforward to use, though, that Lucene usage is clear - its the bigger picture that is daunting (to me).

I'm personally reading Managing Gigabytes at the moment, and my head is spinning. But it is helping me get a clearer picture of the underlying concepts that Lucene is built upon.

a new desire to tackle Struts, and well, havoc ensues.

OffTopic: havoc and Struts go well together ;) Pick up Tapestry instead!


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