Hi Mark,

> I've had this running OK from the command line and in Eclipse on XP.
> I suspect it might be because you're running a different OS? The "Classfinder" tries 
> to split the system property
> "java.class.path"  on the ";" character but I forgot different OSes have different 
> seperators.
> Let me know your setup details and I'll try fix the classloader issue.
I have the same problems and am running on linux using ':' to separate
the class path...

BTW: I tried to compile your sources but you left out the part in thinlet.
  2928 Sun Oct 12 19:47:56 CEST 2003 thinlet/AppletLauncher.class
  2643 Sun Oct 12 19:47:56 CEST 2003 thinlet/FrameLauncher.class
 74823 Sun Oct 12 19:47:56 CEST 2003 thinlet/Thinlet.class
Was that intentional?


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