Thanks Otis, but I can merge two indexes with different fields?

My big index has this fields, code, title, content, language and date. I add the new documents incrementally.

The clustering index only contains the fields code, and cluster. Merging the big index with the clustering one will preserve the order of the big one? For example, if I have the following indexes:
Big index
code_1, title_1, content_1, language_1, date_1
code_2, title_2, content_2, language_2, date_2

Clustering index
code_1, cluster_1
code_2, cluster_2

then the new merged index will be:

Merged index
code_1, title_1, content_1, language_1, date_1, cluster_1
code_2, title_2, content_2, language_2, date_2, cluster_2

If I can do that then fine, but I think the merging process uses the lucene internal ID to match the documents. I wanna use the code field to do that matching, is that possible?. I cannot be sure the lucene internal ID's are the same for the same codes in both indexes.

Thanks again,


Otis Gospodnetic wrote:

(re-directing to lucene-user list)


If I understand your question correctly... You could run a query like
the one you gave on both indices, but if one of them contains documents
that have only one of those fields (cluster), then there will never be
any matches in the second index.

However, why not leave your big index along, add documents to a new,
smaller index, and then merge them periodically.  I may be off with
this; it sounds like this is what you want to do, but I'm not certain I
understood you fully.


--- Albert Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering If I can search using the MultiSearcher over two diferent indexes at the same time (with diferent fields).
I've got one big index, with the code, title, content, language, etc fields (new documents are added incrementally). Now, I have to
introduce a clustering field. The problem is that I have to update the whole
index each time the clusters change, and I have no enought time to do it (I

wanna check for new clusters every 10 minuts and I spent 25 minutes
to reindex the whole index).
A query example could be: language:0 and title:java and cluster:0

Can I leave the big index whitout any changes and create a new index with only the following fields, code and cluster, and perform the searches using this two indexes? I think I cannot do that without changing the code. It would need a postprocess, matching all
returning codes from index 1 with index 2.

Anyone have a solution for this problem? I would appreciate that.

-- Albert Vila Director de proyectos I+D 902 933 242 [iMente “La información con más beneficios”]

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