Wow, I have say that those sort of numbers are concerning to me... Now I
know 3.5 million documents is a lot, but still... What would be causing a
query to require and hold that much memory?  I could understand that it
surely would be doing a lot of memory work, but why would it need to hold
onto/grab that much memory for the length of the query?  (this is getting
into the internals a bit, but it's always good to know what's going on under
the hood from a design decision point of view and how I would have to
structure an App to handle this sort of load).
Paul Smith

> 1 Byte * Number of fields in your query * Number of
> docs in your index
> So if your query searches on all 50 fields of your 3.5
> Million document index then each search would take
> about 175MB.  If your 3-4 searches run concurrently
> then that's about 525MB to 700MB chewed up at once.
> Also, if your queries use wildcards, the memory
> requirements could be much greater.

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