When rc3 came out, I modified the classes used for
Sorting to, in addition to Integer, Float and
String-based sort keys, use Long values.  All I did
was add extra statements in 2 classes (SortField and
FieldSortedHitQueue) that made a special case for
longs, and created a LongSortedHitQueue identical to
the IntegerSortedHitQueue, only using longs.  

This worked as expected; Long values converted to
strings and stored in Field.Keyword type fields would
be sorted according to Long order.  The initial query
would take a while, to build the sorted array, but
subsequent queries would take little to no time at

I went back to look at 1.4 final, and noticed the Sort
implementation has changed quite a bit.  I tried the
same type of modifications to the existing source
files, but was unable to achieve similiar results. 
Each subsequent query seems to take a significant
amount of time, as if the Sorted array is being
rebuilt each time.  Also, I tried sorting on an
Integer fields and got similar results, which leads me
to believe there might be a caching problem somewhere.

Has anyone else seen this in 1.4-final?  Also, I would
like it if Long sorted fields could become a part of
the API; it makes sorting by date a breeze.


Greg Gershman

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