JPhD, you have to add the _JAR_ (lucene-1.4.1-final.jar probably) to
your CLASSPATH.  You may also have to add the demo Jar to the



> Hello everybody,
> I want test lucene,
> My configuration : Windows XP...
> First, I have extracted the latest Lucene distribution in
> D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation to get 
> D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\lucene-1.4-final
> D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\lucene-1.4-final\docs
> D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\lucene-1.4-final\src
> so demo is in
> D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\lucene-1.4-final\src\demo
> and I set my classpath like this
> classpath="D:\Program Files\Apache Software
> Foundation\lucene-1.4-final;D:\Program Files\Apache Software
> Foundation\lucene-demos-1.4-final"
> Second, for indexing files, I type :
> java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles "D:/Program Files/Apache
> Software
> Foundation/lucene-1.4-final/src"
> or
> java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles "D:\Program Files\Apache
> Software
> Foundation\lucene-1.4-final\src"
> and I got :
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/lucene/demo/IndexFiles
> Where is my error ?
> Thank's a lot !
> JPhD

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